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How to Develop a Blog Strategy and Why You Need One

Written by Travis Pryor, Digital Account Strategist | Mar 16, 2017 7:51:40 PM

Written by Travis Pryor, Digital Account Strategist

Free Stuff isn’t just for college kids. People love Free stuff.

“Don’t give away FREE stuff because it makes people think it isn’t valuable.”

That’s not true. FREE STUFF is valuable if it provides value.

I am an avid Chick-fil-A visitor and I use my Chick-fil-A One app constantly. I went to Chick-fil-A for breakfast one day around 10:15am and had a free breakfast sandwich in my “deals.”

I ordered and proceeded to the pickup window. They handed me my bag and I drove away.

I opened my bag and FREE STUFF….

I don’t know about you, but I find there to be a lot of value in Chick-fil-A offering me free stuff.

Like Chick-fil-A, we want to give away FREE STUFF that has value to you and your organization.

Blog Strategy: 

Last summer our Digital Marketing Director wrote a blog post called, "Is Blogging Really Still “A Thing”?".  In this post he addressed the idea that blogs aren’t going anywhere, or at least anytime soon. In the that we live in, the digital age, people want quality content and they want it immediately. This hasn’t changed, there has just been more “noise” (bad content) produced.

“...Companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website. Not only that, but B2B companies who regularly blog receive 67% more leads every month than those companies who do not.”

We know that it’s important to blog, but how do you get started? How do you get good? How do you create content? Where do you publish it? How do you share it?

To create a great blog, you must have a BLOG STRATEGY. (Click to Tweet)

Without a blog strategy, you have no direction. You have no goals. You have no direction with your content. You have no posting schedule. You simply have noise. Don’t add noise, add value to your customers.

Get your copy of our FREE Blog Strategy below.