Digital Marketing Series: Customer Personas

In order to make the right marketing decisions for your company, it’s crucial to identify your ideal customer. Customer PersonasNot everyone is your audience, so it’s important to pinpoint who to target, as well as how to target them. In any business, time, energy, and resources are valuable and should not be spent where they do not belong. By creating Customer Personas, businesses are able to focus their efforts on the customers likely to use their services or buy their products.

What Is a Customer Persona:
A customer persona is a representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers. Creating customer personas takes customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals into consideration. The more detailed, the better. These personas provide tremendous insight for your company. Customer personas will help you determine where to focus your time and resources. As a result, you will be able to attract the most valuable visitors, leads, and customers to your business.

Why Identifying Customer Personas is Important:
It’s crucial to identify the best ways to interact with your target market so that you do not waste your time, energy, and resources trying to communicate with someone who uses strictly one form of communication that you have yet to utilize. For example, your company might be very active on social media, posting at all hours during the day on Facebook and Twitter. However, your audience isn’t even on social media and prefer your message in their inbox with email communication. By identifying your customer personas and their needs, you find the best ways to interact with them. Not only, do you get to deliver your message to your customers, but you get to deliver it in the way they are looking to receive it. That’s Inbound Marketing 101!

What We Do To Identify Your Target Market:
By conducting a series of interviews with key stakeholders, past customers, or members of the community, we are able to define your target audience. By creating Customer Personas, we can define goals, challenges, pain points, likes and dislikes, as well as personal and demographic information. This allows us to create a complete profile of who to market to and how to market to them.

Divider.png If after reading our posts and realizing that you behind in the game, don't worry! We would love to help bring you up to speed. We will work and collaborate with you on a strategy that fits your business model. By concentrating our attention on your company's web and digital marketing campaigns, we will be able to focus those goals on your customer needs and target audience so you don't have to.

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Definition of a Buyer Persona [In Less Than 100 Words]; Hubspot