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Web Design and Digital Marketing are NOT a One-Time Event

Written by Travis Pryor, Digital Account Strategist | Jul 5, 2017 1:11:41 PM

 Written by Travis Pryor, Digital Account Strategist

So, you want to be on the first page of Google? Good news, so does everybody else in your industry. Bad news, it’s not a one-time event. To improve your SERP (Search Engine Results Page) you need to continually monitor your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts.

Do you remember the old Ronco infomercials?

“Set it and Forget it”

Unfortunately, that doesn’t work in web design or digital marketing.  You can’t build a new website that adheres to industry standards for design, content, and SEO and forget about it. In the same way, you can’t run one digital marketing campaign and believe that your job is done.

Innovating your web design and digital marketing efforts is an ongoing effort that takes time monthly, weekly, and daily. Sure there are things you “pass” over or not do, but there are certain no negotiables when it comes to SEO.

If you want to begin to see improved SERP results there are 2 things that can help give you the results you are looking to have.  

  1. Perform a Website Audit (We have one for FREE below)

A website audit is a holistic analysis of your website's performance, focusing on design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and content. A website audit will evaluate your website and highlight key areas for improvement. These areas can negatively impact your SEO and in turn impact your SERP results.

Some of the key areas that a website audit will evaluate, but are not limited too are:

  • Page errors
  • Site speed
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Content review
  • Meta data
  • Backlinks
  • Social media review
  • Summary Analysis

An audit is usually the first step before completing any major changes on your website such as a refresh or a full web redesign. 

  1. Act on the Results of your FREE Site Audit

Number one is really important, but if you don’t Act on the results of your site audit, don’t waste your time doing a site audit. That can sound harsh, but the reality is that if you don’t act on the results your SERP will not improve, you will not gain more leads, and website traffic will not increase.

When acting on your site audit results start with the things that will make the greatest impact for the least amount effort. Doing this will allow you to see quick wins and gain traction. SEO is as much mental as it is physical. If you begin to see the results you wish to have you are more likely to gain buy in from leadership, make it a priority to work on your SEO efforts, and gain more leads/customers.

At Bitwise, we like to focus on what is important: relationships. Rather than being seen as just another “vendor,” we like to "Partner" with our clients to build a relationship based on trust.  Specializing in Marketing, Creative, and Custom Development, we are your trusted Carmel web design and development solution specialists.