Written by Travis Pryor, Digital Marketing Specialist
In case you missed out on our Facebook Live event on Halloween, we wanted to write a short recap to help you catch up. Our goal is to help you understand the benefits of social media and how your organization can implement some of these easy tricks and treats:
Social media is not something that is going to happen on accident. You must be intentional and strategic on social media. Your online presence and relationships require the same level of attention and service as face-to-face clients.
Remember, social media traction is also not something that is going to happen quickly. It’s important to understand that social media will require time. Not only time in the sense of working on content, scheduling, and engaging. But time in the sense that you are building relationships and trust with potential clients. Having the right expectations for social media can make all of the difference.
Have fun with your social media, be real, and be consistent.
Like always, if you have any questions about this or any of our services, we would love to help you grow your organization and achieve your goals.
And don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook and “Follow” us on Twitter.
You can read these tips and more in our ebook Benefits & Techniques of Social Media Marketing: