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4 Digital Marketing Tips to Generate More Web Traffic

Written by Travis Pryor, Digital Account Strategist | Feb 21, 2017 4:37:31 PM

Written by Travis Pryor, Digital Account Strategist

Let me paint a picture for you:

You spend…

  • Hours of your time trying to convince your boss the company needs a new website.
  • Hours of your time picking the right development firm for your website.
  • Thousands of your company’s dollars to develop the new website.
  • Hours of your time on revisions and communication with said firm.
  • Hour of your time developing great content for your website.
  • Hours of your time launching the site.
  • And…….Crickets.

Does this sound like you?

Have you been through this process and don’t know what to do?

You spent thousands of dollars and countless hours of work on your new website and you see no fruit from your labor.

Let me suggest some simple updates that you can do to your new flashy site to help begin driving visitors and revenue your way.

  1. Change Something

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a new result is insanity…Really it is, check out the definition. But seriously, we all get stuck in the rut of doing the same thing. We do it because it’s comfortable. We write the same way, we sell the same, we market the same way. We even use the same words and hope for a different result.

For example: check out your slick new website and read your copy. Look at your Call-to-action pages. Do you use the same “SUBMIT” button on each form on your website? Try something different. Branch out. Don’t be afraid to test different ways of doing the same thing.

  1. Aim Your Content

This is a big one. We see customers all the time that want a new flashy website and want to use the same dull content that’s not really targeted on their website. We have a solution for you and we call them Customer Personas. These are fictional representations of your current and potential clients. Based on actual research you can begin targeting your content for them. These personas are a foundational piece to your digital marketing strategy.

For example: If your target clientele is a busy on-the-go mom, you probably wouldn’t want to send her an email or write a blog post that is going to take her 45 minutes to read. Rather you would want to send her a quick email that she can breeze through and gain value from that is optimized for her mobile device.

  1. Search Engine Optimization

There are so many facets of search engine optimization that it can be overwhelming. There is keyword research that must take place, there is targeted content, images, etc…It’s important to know the areas that you can grow in. We all have room for growth, pretending like we don’t doesn’t help anyone.

We have a FREE resource that can help you do this today. It’s our SEO Report Card. This report card will give you a comprehensive list of changes and updates that will help optimize your website for search engine results.

Or check out our Ebook on common SEO mistakes. 

  1. Use Social Media

Did you know that there are over 75 different social networks? So you should get on each of those today and start building relationships.

Just kidding.

That would be terrible.

What you should do is utilize the top networks that your potential clients are using. Remember those customer personas from earlier, this research will help you know which networks you should utilize.

Month after month our website views increase from social media. As we continue to grow in our understanding of our clients and their needs we are able to aim our content, which leads more people to our website.

This is not a comprehensive list, but these are some of the things we have used to generate more website visitors and qualify more leads. What has worked for you? Share in the comments below.

Want to learn more about our services or how we could help you improve your web traffic and lead conversion?